الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2012

The Righteous Among The Gentiles

Yesterday Jews around  the world observed Yom HaShoah ve-haGevurah, the day of remembrance of the Holocaust and Heroism. Below is the brief but true story of my friend's father's rescue by Dutch farmers during the Holocaust.

Justice can have a memory.

Sixty-six years ago, M's father accepted 100 guilders and started his journey back to Amsterdam. As he left the Heskampen, he might have walked past a young girl who too would soon begin her own journey back home. Both had survived one of the most heinous acts in our long history of adversity and triumph. Neither could have done it alone. Both were helped by many people. A few in particular stand out, who, even though they may not have recognized it at the time, were Righteous Among the Nations.

My friend M is proud to state that the State of Israel and Yad Vashem in particular have recognized that status. Accordingly, from this time onward, the Rozier and Dreijer families can tell anyone who asks, that their parents or grandparents now occupy a special place in the history of the Jewish people. You can read the full story as published in the JT News.

M attended a special ceremony in the Netherlands last year and will travel to Ottawa, Canada for another ceremony.

 Indeed, justice does have a memory!

(And for those who are unfamiliar with how this holy day is commemorated in Israel, watch this video.) The entire country comes to a standstill when people hear the Holocaust and Heroes Day siren.)

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